index ae5ea6d33495e09473fd2941bcbbfc62f880e02d..4a6b2bbbcc7e04b938d6c462c8401737907d021f 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: graphstatsr
 Title: graphstatsr
-Version: 2.0.0
+Version: 2.1.0
     person("Etienne", "Rifa", , "etienne.rifa@insa-toulouse.fr", role = c("cre", "aut"))
 Description: A shiny app to easily generate advanced graphics and some non
diff --git a/R/app_ui.R b/R/app_ui.R
index 81e25992461fb0d0d88e26400b5a343611e08b3f..644d2f94967db0bcf4f7f4e61c9d67602d26bb75 100644
--- a/R/app_ui.R
+++ b/R/app_ui.R
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ app_ui <- function(request) {
     # )
     dashboardPage(skin = "red",
-                    title = "GraphStatsR 2.0.0",
+                    title = "GraphStatsR 2.1.0",
                     tags$li(class="dropdown",tags$a("Hosted by", img(src = SK8img,
                     title = "SK8", height = "20px"), headerText = "Source code",href="https://sk8.inrae.fr/", target="_blank")),
diff --git a/R/mod_boxplots.R b/R/mod_boxplots.R
index 439bd904147336b125501b79939909c190b85c32..57a017add18413503ed6ae7399c479b170909156 100644
--- a/R/mod_boxplots.R
+++ b/R/mod_boxplots.R
@@ -611,7 +611,14 @@ mod_boxplots_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
         print("WRITE PLOTS")
         systim <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
-        dir.create(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_ggplot/figures_{systim}"), recursive = TRUE)
+        if(length(input$outtype)>1){
+          for (i in input$outtype){
+            dir.create(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}/"), recursive = TRUE)
+          }
+        }else{
+          dir.create(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/"), recursive = TRUE)
+        }
@@ -627,13 +634,44 @@ mod_boxplots_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
           for(i in 1:length(FEAT)){
-            tt <- stringr::str_split(FEAT[i], "__")
-            ggsave(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_ggplot/figures_{systim}/{sapply(tt,'[[',2)}_boxplot_{sapply(tt,'[[',1)}.{input$ImgFormat}"), listP[[FEAT[i]]], width = 20, height = 15, units = "cm", device = input$ImgFormat)
+            # tt <- stringr::str_split(FEAT[i], "__")
+            met1 <- stringr::str_split_1(FEAT[i], "__")[1] %>% stringr::str_replace("/", "_")
+            typ1 <- stringr::str_split_1(FEAT[i], "__")[2] %>% stringr::str_replace("/", "_")
+            if(length(input$outtype)>1){
+              path1 <- glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{typ1}/")
+            }else{
+              path1 <- glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}")
+            }
+            # ggsave(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_ggplot/figures_{systim}/{sapply(tt,'[[',2)}_boxplot_{sapply(tt,'[[',1)}.{input$ImgFormat}"), listP[[FEAT[i]]], width = 20, height = 15, units = "cm", device = input$ImgFormat)
+            ggsave(glue::glue("{path1}/{met1}.{input$ImgFormat}"), listP[[FEAT[i]]], width = 20, height = 15, units = "cm", device = input$ImgFormat)
         }, value = 0, message = "Generating Images...")
-        tar(filename, files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_ggplot/figures_{systim}") )
+        # tar(filename, files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_ggplot/figures_{systim}") )
+        if(length(input$outtype) > 1){
+          for (i in input$outtype){
+            tar(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}.tar"), files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}"))
+            tar(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}.tar"), files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}"))
+            tar(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}.tar"), files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}"))
+          }
+          print("TAR2")
+          # browser()
+          files <- dir(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/"))
+          outfiles <- files[stringr::str_detect(files, ".tar")]
+          print(outfiles)
+          tar(filename, files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{outfiles}"))  #glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/")
+        }else{
+          tar(filename, files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/"))
+        }
         file.copy(filename, file)
@@ -815,11 +853,21 @@ mod_boxplots_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
       content <- function(file) {
         print("WRITE PLOTS")
         systim <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
-        print(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs/figures_{systim}"))
-        dir.create(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs/figures_{systim}"), recursive = TRUE)
+        print(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}"))
+        if(length(input$outtype)>1){
+          for (i in input$outtype){
+            dir.create(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}/"), recursive = TRUE)
+          }
+        }else{
+          dir.create(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/"), recursive = TRUE)
+        }
-        tabF_melt2 <- r_values$tabF_melt2
+        tabF_melt1 <- r_values$tabF_melt2 
+        tabF_melt2 <- r_values$tabF_melt2 %>%
+                      separate(features, sep = "__", into = c("feat","type","unit"), remove =FALSE) %>%
+                      filter(type %in% input$outtype)
         print(input$ymin); print(input$ymax); print(input$steps)
@@ -870,8 +918,26 @@ mod_boxplots_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
             met1 <- stringr::str_split_1(feat1, "__")[1] %>% stringr::str_replace("/", "_")
             typ1 <- stringr::str_split_1(feat1, "__")[2] %>% stringr::str_replace("/", "_")
-            jpeg(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs/figures_{systim}/{typ1}_boxplot_{met1}.jpeg"),
-              width = 1422, height = 800, quality = 100, res = 150)
+            if(length(input$outtype)>1){
+              path1 <- glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{typ1}/")
+            }else{
+              path1 <- glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}")
+            }
+            if(input$ImgFormat == "jpeg"){
+              jpeg(glue::glue("{path1}/{met1}.jpeg"), width = 1422, height = 800, quality = 100, res = 150)
+            }else if(input$ImgFormat == "png"){
+              png(glue::glue("{path1}/{met1}.png"), width = 1422, height = 800, res = 150)
+            }else if(input$ImgFormat == "tiff"){
+              tiff(glue::glue("{path1}/{met1}.tiff"), width = 1422, height = 800, res = 150) 
+            }else if(input$ImgFormat == "bmp"){
+              bmp(glue::glue("{path1}/{met1}.bmp"), width = 1422, height = 800, res = 150)
+            }else{
+              jpeg(glue::glue("{path1}/{met1}.jpeg"), width = 1422, height = 800, quality = 100, res = 150)              
+            }
             # Y custom 
@@ -940,10 +1006,29 @@ mod_boxplots_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
-            # save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = "debug.rdata", envir = environment()); print("SAVE0")
-        tar(filename, files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs/figures_{systim}") )
+        if(length(input$outtype) > 1){
+          for (i in input$outtype){
+            tar(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}.tar"), files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}"))
+            tar(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}.tar"), files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}"))
+            tar(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}.tar"), files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{i}"))
+          }
+          print("TAR2")
+          # browser()
+          files <- dir(glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/"))
+          outfiles <- files[stringr::str_detect(files, ".tar")]
+          print(outfiles)
+          tar(filename, files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/{outfiles}"))  #glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/")
+        }else{
+          tar(filename, files = glue::glue("{tmpdir}/figures_jpgs_{systim}/"))
+        }
         file.copy(filename, file)
diff --git a/R/mod_plots_isot.R b/R/mod_plots_isot.R
index 816f63a8e1836f2e4eb6bffcec738de4ed93e969..9bbd9a7630c0793404ecceb2b2457bf70ee730ac 100644
--- a/R/mod_plots_isot.R
+++ b/R/mod_plots_isot.R
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ mod_plots_isot_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
         p3_bar <- p3_bar_group <- ggplot(tabhisto2, aes(x = get(input$group1), y = MeanGroupEnrC13)) +
               geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black", fill = "#b6bced",
                        position=position_dodge()) + 
-                theme_bw() + ylab("Mean EnrC13") +
+                theme_bw() + ylab("Mean EnrC13") + xlab(input$group1) +
               theme(legend.position = "None", 
                 axis.text.x = element_text(
                 angle = 45, hjust=1)) +
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ mod_plots_isot_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
         p4_bar <- p4_bar_group <- ggplot(tabhisto2, aes(x = get(input$group1), y = MeanGroupArea)) +
               geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black", fill = "#b6bced",
                        position=position_dodge()) + 
-                theme_bw() + ylab("Mean TotalArea") +
+                theme_bw() + ylab("Mean TotalArea") + xlab(input$group1) +
               theme(legend.position = "None", 
                 axis.text.x = element_text(
                 angle = 45, hjust=1)) +
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ mod_plots_isot_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
           LL[[glue::glue("{i}_enrC13")]] <- p3_bar_group <- ggplot(tabhisto2, aes(x = get(input$group1), y = MeanGroupEnrC13)) +
                 geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black", fill = "#b6bced",
                          position=position_dodge()) + 
-                  theme_bw() + ylab("Mean EnrC13") +
+                  theme_bw() + ylab("Mean EnrC13") + xlab("")  + 
                 theme(legend.position = "None", 
                   axis.text.x = element_text(
                   angle = 45, hjust=1)) +
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ mod_plots_isot_server <- function(id, r = r, session = session){
           LL[[glue::glue("{i}_area")]] <- p4_bar_group <- ggplot(tabhisto2, aes(x = get(input$group1), y = MeanGroupArea)) +
                 geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black", fill = "#b6bced",
                          position=position_dodge()) + 
-                  theme_bw() + ylab("Mean TotalArea") +
+                  theme_bw() + ylab("Mean TotalArea") + xlab("")  +
                 theme(legend.position = "None", 
                   axis.text.x = element_text(
                   angle = 45, hjust=1)) +