diff --git a/conf/functional_test.config b/conf/functional_test.config
index b1fa1547f4449fbb6b35617bb1f5b6e376ac2c89..62682378f03969a77a45cb3bd8630ea2092b320b 100644
--- a/conf/functional_test.config
+++ b/conf/functional_test.config
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ singularity.enabled = true
 singularity.autoMounts = true
 process {
-    container = "/work/project/plateforme/metaG/functional_test/singularity_img/metagwgs.sif"
+    container = "/work/project/plateforme/metaG/functional_test/singularity_img/dev_v2.4/metagwgs.sif"
     withLabel: BINNING {
         container = "/work/project/plateforme/metaG/functional_test/singularity_img/binning.sif"
diff --git a/docs/usage.md b/docs/usage.md
index ed48bf64eb10adb77e299d7e9ea4015e4924406e..a0907e2a70137cdfddd6f4d41fc85052d6a51f23 100644
--- a/docs/usage.md
+++ b/docs/usage.md
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ For HiFi the fastq2 column is not needed
    > name_sample2,number_flowcell,path_sample2_R1.fastq.gz,path_sample2_R2.fastq.gz
    > ```
-   * **If you want to perfom cross alignment for binning on groups** :  
+   * **If you want to perfom coassembly or cross alignment for binning on groups** :  
    > ```
    > sample,group,fastq_1,fastq_2
    > name_sample1,group_name,path_sample1_flowcell1_R1.fastq.gz,path_sample1_flowcell1_R2.fastq.gz
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ No parameter available for this substep.
 * `--assembly` allows to indicate the assembly tool. For short reads: `["metaspades" or "megahit"]`:  Default: `metaspades`.
                                                      For HiFi reads:  `["hifiasm-meta", "metaflye"]`. Default: `hifiasm-meta`.
+* `--coassembly` allows to assemble together the samples labeled with the same group in the samplesheet. It will generate one assembly for each group. To co-assemble all of your samples together, you must indicate a unique group for each sample in the samplesheet.  **WARNING** With the coassembly, you can't use `--binning_cross_alignment 'group'`  because one binning will be generate for each group co-assembled and automatically mapping with every sample of his group but `--binning_cross_alignment 'all'` can be use to cross align every sample with every group. 
 **WARNING 4:** For short reads, the user can choose between `metaspades` or `megahit` for `--assembly` parameter. The choice can be based on CPUs and memory availability: `metaspades` needs more CPUs and memory than `megahit` but our tests showed that assembly metrics are better for `metaspades` than `megahit`.For PacBio HiFi reads, the user can choose between `hifiasm-meta` or `metaflye`. 
@@ -352,6 +353,8 @@ For example check the version of software in the yaml file and the singularity r
 * `--gtdbtk_bank`: indicates path to the GTDBTK database. 
+* `--metabat2_seed`: Set the seed for metabat2, for exact reproducibility of metabat2 (default: 0 (random seed))
 * `--binning_cross_alignment ["all","group","individual"]`: defines mapping strategy to compute co-abundances for binning. `all` means that each samples will be mapped against every assembly, `group` means that all sample from a group will be mapped against every assembly of the group, `individual` means that each sample will only be mapped against his assembly. Default `individual`
diff --git a/main.nf b/main.nf
index 848dfb038a962141bf33c2cd7c7a07476fbf5b7e..ac146146aa8da400a4fb9076a4abd8e876adb6cb 100644
--- a/main.nf
+++ b/main.nf
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ include { STEP_08_BINNING as S08_BINNING } from './subworkflows/08_binning'
 include { GET_SOFTWARE_VERSIONS } from './modules/get_software_versions'
 include { MULTIQC } from './modules/multiqc'
-include { MERGE_FASTQ } from './modules/merge_fastq.nf'
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ include { MERGE_FASTQ } from './modules/merge_fastq.nf'
        --stop_at_assembly            Stop the pipeline at this step
        --assembly                    Indicate the assembly tool for short reads ["metaspades" or "megahit" ]. Default: "metaspades".
                                                              or for HiFi reads ["hifiasm-meta", "metaflye"]. Default: "hifiasm-meta".
+       --coassembly                  Assemble together samples labeled with the same group in the samplesheet 
      S03_FILTERING options:
        --stop_at_filtering           Stop the pipeline at this step
@@ -213,6 +214,10 @@ workflow {
       exit 1, "You must specify --skip_binning or specify a GTDB-TK bank with --gtdbtk_bank"
+  if ( params.coassembly && params.binning_cross_alignment == 'group'){
+    exit 1, "--binning_cross_alignment group must not be use use --coassembly."
+  }
@@ -228,8 +233,8 @@ workflow {
            if (hasExtension(row.fastq_1, "fastq") || hasExtension(row.fastq_1, "fq") || hasExtension(row.fastq_2, "fastq") || hasExtension(row.fastq_2, "fq")) {
               exit 1, "We do recommend to use gziped fastq file to help you reduce your data footprint."
-           if (params.binning_cross_alignment == 'group' && row.group == null){
-            exit 1, "You must specify groups in the samplesheet if you want to use --binning_cross_alignment 'group'"
+           if ((params.binning_cross_alignment == 'group' || params.coassembly) && row.group == null){
+            exit 1, "You must specify groups in the samplesheet if you want to use --binning_cross_alignment 'group' or --coassembly"
@@ -244,7 +249,6 @@ workflow {
         def meta = [:] 
         meta.id = item.sample
         if (item.flowcell!=null) { meta.id = meta.id+"_"+item.flowcell}
-        if (item.group !=null) {meta.id = meta.id+"_"+item.group}
         meta.sample = item.sample
         meta.flowcell = item.flowcell
         meta.group = item.group
@@ -265,7 +269,6 @@ workflow {
       def meta = [:] 
       meta.id = item.sample
       if (item.flowcell!=null) { meta.id = meta.id+"_"+item.flowcell}
-      if (item.group !=null) {meta.id = meta.id+"_"+item.group}
       meta.sample = item.sample
       meta.flowcell = item.flowcell
       meta.group = item.group
@@ -346,7 +349,7 @@ workflow {
-    ch_preprocessed_reads = S01_CLEAN_QC.out.preprocessed_reads
+    ch_reads = S01_CLEAN_QC.out.preprocessed_reads
     ch_cutadapt_report = S01_CLEAN_QC.out.cutadapt_report
     ch_sickle_report = S01_CLEAN_QC.out.sickle_report
@@ -357,54 +360,11 @@ workflow {
     ch_kaiju_report = S01_CLEAN_QC.out.kaiju_report
     ch_software_versions_S01 = S01_CLEAN_QC.out.software_versions
-  } else {
-    ch_preprocessed_reads = ch_reads
   if ( !params.stop_at_clean ) {
-		if (!has_assembly & has_flowcell ){ 
-			//////////////////
-			// Manage Flowcell 
-			//////////////////
-			ch_reads_tmp = ch_preprocessed_reads
-				.map {
-					meta, fastq ->
-					[ meta.sample, meta, fastq ] 
-					}
-				.groupTuple(by: [0])
-				.branch {
-					id, meta, fastq ->
-						single  : fastq.size() == 1
-							return [[id:meta.sample.unique().join(),
-							sample:meta.sample.unique().join(),
-							flowcell:meta.flowcell.join("_"),
-							group:meta.group.unique().join(),
-							assembly:meta.assembly.unique().join(),
-							type:meta.type.unique().join()], fastq.flatten() ]
-						multiple: fastq.size() > 1
-							return [[id:meta.sample.unique().join(),
-							sample:meta.sample.unique().join(),
-							flowcell:meta.flowcell.join("_"),
-							group:meta.group.unique().join(),
-							assembly:meta.assembly.unique().join(),
-							type:meta.type.unique().join()], fastq.flatten() ]
-				}
-				ch_reads_tmp.multiple
-			)
-				.reads
-				.mix(ch_reads_tmp.single)
-				.set{ch_preprocessed_reads}
-		}
-      /////////////////////
-      //End manage Flowcell
-      /////////////////////
-    S02_ASSEMBLY ( ch_preprocessed_reads, ch_assembly, has_assembly, assembly_tool )
+    S02_ASSEMBLY ( ch_reads, ch_assembly, has_assembly, assembly_tool, has_flowcell )
     ch_assembly = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.assembly
     ch_reads = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.reads
     ch_bam = S02_ASSEMBLY.out.bam
@@ -426,7 +386,7 @@ workflow {
     S03_FILTERING (
-        ch_preprocessed_reads,
+        ch_reads,
diff --git a/modules/assembly.nf b/modules/assembly.nf
index 98cf3c6c5ac4f2c2c849b99d34e17d0ec552f7bd..5c24b432946f1c743772b3fb0a50f8441406aacb 100644
--- a/modules/assembly.nf
+++ b/modules/assembly.nf
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ process METASPADES {
   label 'ASSEMBLY_SR'
-  tuple val(meta), path(reads)
+  tuple val(meta), path(read1), path(read2)
   tuple val(meta), path("metaspades_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.contigs.fa"), emit: assembly
@@ -15,7 +15,21 @@ process METASPADES {
     (_,mem,unit) = (task.memory =~ /(\d+) ([A-Z]B)/)[0]
     if ( unit =~ /GB/ ) { 
-      metaspades.py -t ${task.cpus} -m $mem -1 ${reads[0]} -2 ${reads[1]} -o metaspades_${meta.id}
+      echo "
+    {
+        orientation: \\"fr\\",
+        type: \\"paired-end\\",
+        right reads: [
+            \\"${read1.join('\\",\n            \\"')}\\"
+        ],
+        left reads: [
+            \\"${read2.join('\\",\n            \\"')}\\"
+        ]
+    }
+]" > input.yaml
+      metaspades.py -t ${task.cpus} -m $mem --dataset input.yaml -o metaspades_${meta.id}
       mv metaspades_${meta.id}/scaffolds.fasta metaspades_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.contigs.fa
       mv metaspades_${meta.id}/spades.log metaspades_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.log
       mv metaspades_${meta.id}/params.txt metaspades_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.params.txt 
@@ -34,7 +48,7 @@ process MEGAHIT {
   label 'ASSEMBLY_SR'
-  tuple val(meta), path(reads)
+  tuple val(meta), path(read1), path(read2)
   tuple val(meta), path("megahit_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.contigs.fa"), emit: assembly
@@ -43,7 +57,7 @@ process MEGAHIT {
-    megahit -t ${task.cpus} -1 ${reads[0]} -2 ${reads[1]} -o megahit_${meta.id} --out-prefix "${meta.id}"
+    megahit -t ${task.cpus} -1 ${read1.join(',')} -2 ${read2.join(',')} -o megahit_${meta.id} --out-prefix "${meta.id}"
     mv megahit_${meta.id}/options.json megahit_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.params.txt
     rm -r  megahit_${meta.id}/intermediate_contigs
@@ -69,7 +83,7 @@ process HIFIASM_META {
   mkdir hifiasm_meta_${meta.id}
-  hifiasm_meta -t ${task.cpus} -o ${meta.id} $reads 2> hifiasm_meta_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.log
+  hifiasm_meta -t ${task.cpus} -o ${meta.id} ${reads.join(' ')} 2> hifiasm_meta_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.log
   # gfa to fasta format
   awk '/^S/{print ">"\$2"\\n"\$3}' ${meta.id}.p_ctg.gfa | fold > hifiasm_meta_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.contigs.fa
@@ -98,7 +112,7 @@ process METAFLYE {
   mkdir metaflye_${meta.id}
-  flye --pacbio-hifi $reads -o 'metaflye_${meta.id}' --meta -t ${task.cpus} 2> metaflye_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.log
+  flye --pacbio-hifi ${reads.join(' ')} -o 'metaflye_${meta.id}' --meta -t ${task.cpus} 2> metaflye_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.log
   mv metaflye_${meta.id}/assembly.fasta  metaflye_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.contigs.fa
   mv metaflye_${meta.id}/params.json  metaflye_${meta.id}/${meta.id}.params.json
diff --git a/modules/binning.nf b/modules/binning.nf
index c90306a79d44979f11785a20dfc1128558818c07..431fb01ccabb8a318b778753c67852325cf16734 100644
--- a/modules/binning.nf
+++ b/modules/binning.nf
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ process METABAT2 {
   mkdir -p metabat2/bins/
-  metabat2 --inFile $fna --abdFile $depth --outFile metabat2/bins/${meta.id}_metabat2 --numThreads ${task.cpus}
+  metabat2 --inFile $fna --abdFile $depth --outFile metabat2/bins/${meta.id}_metabat2 --numThreads ${task.cpus} --seed ${params.metabat2_seed}
   echo \$(metabat2 -h 2>&1) > v_metabat2.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ process METAWRAP_REFINMENT {
     path "v_metawrap.txt", emit: v_metawrap
-  bins_flag = (bins3 != null) ? "-A $bins1 -B $bins2 -C $bins3" : "-A $bins2 -B $bins2 "
+  bins_flag = (bins3 != null) ? "-A $bins1 -B $bins2 -C $bins3" : "-A $bins1 -B $bins2 "
   echo "metawrap 1.3_modified" > v_metawrap.txt
diff --git a/modules/cd_hit.nf b/modules/cd_hit.nf
index 3896ec1cad19614edb0255afc1a39d4ec0e31b85..b341142d5b122cddc788d4cb2b9ba0008d37ed2d 100644
--- a/modules/cd_hit.nf
+++ b/modules/cd_hit.nf
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ process INDIVIDUAL_CD_HIT {
   cd-hit-est -c ${pct_id} -i ${ffn} -o ${meta.id}.cd-hit-est.${pct_id}.fasta -T ${task.cpus} -M ${task.mem} -d 150
-  cat ${meta.id}.cd-hit-est.${pct_id}.fasta.clstr | cd_hit_produce_table_clstr.py > ${meta.id}.cd-hit-est.${pct_id}.table_cluster_contigs.txt
+  cd_hit_produce_table_clstr.py -i ${meta.id}.cd-hit-est.${pct_id}.fasta.clstr -o ${meta.id}.cd-hit-est.${pct_id}.table_cluster_contigs.txt
   echo \$(cd-hit -h 2>&1) > v_cdhit.txt
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ main:
   INDIVIDUAL_CD_HIT( ch_assembly, ch_percentage_identity )
   ch_individual_clusters = INDIVIDUAL_CD_HIT.out.clstr_fasta.collect()
   GLOBAL_CD_HIT(ch_individual_clusters , ch_percentage_identity )
-  ch_ffn = ch_assembly.flatMap{it -> it[1]}.collect()
   individual_clstr_table = INDIVIDUAL_CD_HIT.out.clstr_table
diff --git a/modules/feature_counts.nf b/modules/feature_counts.nf
index 73ec38c6e7ac033b902c4716954e11051e5fe94f..63eb79ac2877839bdff59b4265dcd470b4017598 100644
--- a/modules/feature_counts.nf
+++ b/modules/feature_counts.nf
@@ -44,14 +44,12 @@ process QUANTIFICATION_TABLE {
-    ch_gff  // channel: [ val(meta), path(gff) ]
-    ch_bam  // channel: [ val(meta), path(bam), path(bam_index) ]
+    ch_gff_and_bam  // channel: [ val(meta), path(gff), path(bam), path(bam_index) ]
-    ch_gff_and_bam = ch_gff.join(ch_bam, remainder: false)
     ch_count_table = FEATURE_COUNTS.out.count_table.collect()
     ch_quant_report = FEATURE_COUNTS.out.summary
diff --git a/modules/read_alignment.nf b/modules/read_alignment.nf
index 881f6c87062fbe1515669c0ec9309a7b7136f70c..5183c8b8754dc78e7e5d124ead32d1251ae233a5 100644
--- a/modules/read_alignment.nf
+++ b/modules/read_alignment.nf
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 process BWA_MEM {
    tag "${meta.id}"
-   publishDir "${params.outdir}/$publishDir_path/${meta.id}", mode: 'copy', pattern:"*sort*"
+   publishDir "${params.outdir}/$publishDir_path/${meta.id}", mode: 'copy', pattern:"*bam*"
       tuple val(meta), path(fna), path(reads)
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ process BWA_MEM {
-      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.sort.bam"), path("${meta.id}.sort.bam.bai"), emit: bam
+      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.bam"), path("${meta.id}.bam.bai"), emit: bam
       path "v_bwa.txt", emit: v_bwa_mem2
       path "v_samtools.txt", emit: v_samtools
       bwa-mem2 index ${fna} -p ${fna}
-      bwa-mem2 mem -t ${task.cpus} ${fna} ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} | samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -bS - | samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} - -o ${meta.id}.sort.bam
+      bwa-mem2 mem -t ${task.cpus} ${fna} ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} | samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -bS - | samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} - -o ${meta.id}.bam
-      samtools index -@ ${task.cpus} ${meta.id}.sort.bam
+      samtools index -@ ${task.cpus} ${meta.id}.bam
       bwa-mem2 version > v_bwa.txt
       samtools --version &> v_samtools.txt
@@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ process BWA_MEM {
 process MINIMAP2 {
    tag "${meta.id}"
    label 'MINIMAP2'
-   publishDir "${params.outdir}/$publishDir_path/${meta.id}", mode: 'copy', pattern:"*sort*"
+   publishDir "${params.outdir}/$publishDir_path/${meta.id}", mode: 'copy', pattern:"*bam*"
       tuple val(meta), path(fna), path(reads)
-      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.sort.bam"), path("${meta.id}.sort.bam.bai"), emit: bam
+      tuple val(meta), path("${meta.id}.bam"), path("${meta.id}.bam.bai"), emit: bam
       path "v_minimap2.txt", emit: v_minimap2
       path "v_samtools.txt", emit: v_samtools
       # align reads to contigs, keep only primary aln and sort resulting bam 
-      minimap2 -t ${task.cpus} -ax map-hifi $fna $reads | samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -b -F 2304 | samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -o ${meta.id}.sort.bam  
+      minimap2 -t ${task.cpus} -ax map-hifi $fna $reads | samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -b -F 2304 | samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -o ${meta.id}.bam  
-      samtools index ${meta.id}.sort.bam -@ ${task.cpus}
+      samtools index ${meta.id}.bam -@ ${task.cpus}
       samtools --version &> v_samtools.txt
       minimap2 --version &> v_minimap2.txt
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index 1516f4c193d32ed642ca1ccdb0f4ebfab828c758..b0f4b71604e27d890a5927e13beae3203e337099 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ params {
     gtdbtk_bank = ""
     percentage_identity = 0.95
     type = ""
+    coassembly = false
     // Stop after step or skip optional step/sub-step.
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ params {
     drep_threshold = 0.95
     min_completeness = 50
     max_contamination = 10
+    metabat2_seed = 0
     // Ressources.
     kaiju_db_dir = false
diff --git a/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf b/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf
index d300ba9ba701ee0aadf1748e6b8a6184adea0728..46c4da520ebdf66e304ce8443d440b1854c71cbb 100644
--- a/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/02_assembly.nf
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ include { QUAST as ASSEMBLY_QUAST} from '../modules/metaquast'
 include { READS_DEDUPLICATION } from '../modules/reads_deduplication'
 include { MINIMAP2 } from '../modules/read_alignment'
 include { GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS } from '../modules/read_alignment_manipulation'
+include { MERGE_FASTQ } from '../modules/merge_fastq.nf'
 workflow STEP_02_ASSEMBLY {
-    reads
-    assembly
-    has_assembly
-    assembly_tool
+  reads
+  assembly
+  has_assembly
+  assembly_tool
+  has_flowcell
     ch_assembler_v = Channel.empty() 
@@ -17,36 +19,107 @@ workflow STEP_02_ASSEMBLY {
     ch_bwa_mem_v = Channel.empty()
     ch_minimap2_v = Channel.empty()
     ch_samtools_v = Channel.empty()
-    if (has_assembly){
-      ch_assembly = assembly   
-    } 
-    else {
-      if(assembly_tool == 'metaspades') {
-        METASPADES(reads)
-        ch_assembly = METASPADES.out.assembly
-        ch_assembler_v = METASPADES.out.v_metaspades
-      } 
-      else if(assembly_tool == 'megahit') {
-        MEGAHIT(reads)
-        ch_assembly = MEGAHIT.out.assembly
-        ch_assembler_v = MEGAHIT.out.v_megahit
-      } 
-      else if(assembly_tool == 'hifiasm-meta') {
-        HIFIASM_META(reads)
-        ch_assembly = HIFIASM_META.out.assembly
-        ch_assembler_v = HIFIASM_META.out.v_hifiasm_meta
-        } 
-      else if(assembly_tool == 'metaflye') {
-          METAFLYE(reads)
+    ch_assembly = assembly 
+    ch_reads = reads
+    if (!has_assembly & has_flowcell ){ 
+			//////////////////
+			// Manage Flowcell 
+			//////////////////
+			ch_reads_flowcell = reads
+				.map { meta, fastq ->
+					   [ meta.sample, meta, fastq ] }
+				.groupTuple(by: [0])
+				.branch {	id, meta, fastq ->
+          single : fastq.size() == 1
+            return [[id:meta.sample.unique().join(),
+            sample:meta.sample.unique().join(),
+            flowcell:meta.flowcell.join("_"),
+            group:meta.group.unique().join(),
+            assembly:meta.assembly.unique().join(),
+            type:meta.type.unique().join()], fastq.flatten() ]
+          multiple: fastq.size() > 1
+            return [[id:meta.sample.unique().join(),
+            sample:meta.sample.unique().join(),
+            flowcell:meta.flowcell.join("_"),
+            group:meta.group.unique().join(),
+            assembly:meta.assembly.unique().join(),
+            type:meta.type.unique().join()], fastq.flatten() ]
+				}
+			MERGE_FASTQ (ch_reads_flowcell.multiple)
+				.reads
+				.mix(ch_reads_flowcell.single)
+				.set{ch_reads}
+    }
+    if (params.coassembly){ 
+      ch_reads.map { meta, fastq ->
+                   [ meta.group, meta, fastq] }
+        .groupTuple(by: [0])
+        .map { group, metas, fastq ->
+              def meta = [:]
+              meta.id = metas.group.unique().join()
+              meta.sample = metas.sample.join("_")
+              meta.flowcell = metas.flowcell.unique().join()
+              meta.group =  metas.group.unique().join()
+              meta.assembly = metas.assembly.unique().join()
+              meta.type = metas.type.unique().join()
+              if (params.type.toUpperCase() == "SR") {
+                return [meta, fastq.collect { it[0] }, fastq.collect { it[1] }]
+              } else {
+                return [meta, fastq ]
+              }}
+        .set { ch_reads_assembly }
+      if (has_assembly){ 
+        ch_assembly = assembly.map { meta, assembly ->
+                                   [ meta.group, meta, assembly] }
+                              .groupTuple(by: [0]) 
+                              .map{ group, metas, assembly ->
+                                    def meta = [:]
+                                    meta.id = metas.group.unique().join()
+                                    meta.sample = metas.sample.join("_")
+                                    meta.flowcell = metas.flowcell.unique().join()
+                                    meta.group =  metas.group.unique().join()
+                                    meta.assembly = metas.assembly.unique().join()
+                                    meta.type = metas.type.unique().join()
+                                    return [meta, assembly[0]] }
+      }
+    } else if (params.type.toUpperCase() == "SR") {
+        ch_reads_assembly = ch_reads
+        .map { meta, fastq ->
+            return [meta, fastq[0], fastq[1]] }
+    } else {
+      ch_reads_assembly = ch_reads
+    }
+    if (!has_assembly){
+      if (assembly_tool == 'metaspades') {
+          METASPADES(ch_reads_assembly)
+          ch_assembly = METASPADES.out.assembly
+          ch_assembler_v = METASPADES.out.v_metaspades
+      } else if (assembly_tool == 'megahit') {
+          MEGAHIT(ch_reads_assembly)
+          ch_assembly = MEGAHIT.out.assembly
+          ch_assembler_v = MEGAHIT.out.v_megahit
+      } else if (assembly_tool == 'hifiasm-meta') {
+          HIFIASM_META(ch_reads_assembly)
+          ch_assembly = HIFIASM_META.out.assembly
+          ch_assembler_v = HIFIASM_META.out.v_hifiasm_meta
+      } else if (assembly_tool == 'metaflye') {
+          METAFLYE(ch_reads_assembly)
           ch_assembly = METAFLYE.out.assembly
           ch_assembler_v = METAFLYE.out.v_metaflye
-        } 
-      else {
+      } else {
         exit 1,  "Invalid assembly parameter: ${assembly_tool}"
-        }
+      }
     ch_assembly_renamed = RENAME_CONTIGS(ch_assembly)
     ch_assembly_quast = ch_assembly_renamed
                         .map { meta, file -> file }
@@ -58,9 +131,22 @@ workflow STEP_02_ASSEMBLY {
     ch_idxstats = Channel.empty()
     ch_flagstat = Channel.empty()
-    ch_reads = reads
+    if (params.coassembly){
+      ch_reads.map { meta, fastq ->
+                   [ meta.group, meta, fastq ]}
+              .set { ch_reads_tmp }
+      ch_assembly_renamed.map { meta, assembly ->
+                              [ meta.group, assembly ]} 
+                         .combine(ch_reads_tmp, by: 0)
+                         .map { group, assembly, meta, fastq -> 
+                              [ meta, assembly,fastq ]}
+                         .set { ch_contigs_and_reads }
+    } else {
+      ch_contigs_and_reads = ch_assembly_renamed.join(ch_reads, remainder: true)
+    }
-    ch_contigs_and_reads = ch_assembly_renamed.join(ch_reads, remainder: true)
     if ( params.type.toUpperCase() == "SR" ) {
       READS_DEDUPLICATION ( ch_contigs_and_reads )
@@ -71,10 +157,10 @@ workflow STEP_02_ASSEMBLY {
       ch_bwa_mem_v = READS_DEDUPLICATION.out.v_bwa_mem2
     } else {
-        MINIMAP2(ch_contigs_and_reads,"02_assembly/02_3_reads_vs_primary_assembly")
-        ch_bam = MINIMAP2.out.bam
+      MINIMAP2(ch_contigs_and_reads,"02_assembly/02_3_reads_vs_primary_assembly")
+      ch_bam = MINIMAP2.out.bam
-        ch_minimap2_v = MINIMAP2.out.v_minimap2
+      ch_minimap2_v = MINIMAP2.out.v_minimap2
diff --git a/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf b/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf
index 6ae3938054a9832056abbb4d2e8455b1581722a4..bf92a0b2c1546baf924df278b6b8a95d33452a0a 100644
--- a/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/03_filtering.nf
@@ -23,10 +23,33 @@ workflow STEP_03_ASSEMBLY_FILTER {
     ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter = assemblies
                                   .splitFasta(by: 100000, file: true)
-    ch_assembly_and_idxstats = ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter
+    if (params.coassembly){ 
+      idxstats.map { meta, idxstats ->
+                   [ meta.group, meta, idxstats] }
+              .groupTuple(by: [0])
+              .map { group, metas, idxstats -> 
+                    def meta = [:]
+                    meta.id = metas.group.unique().join()
+                    meta.sample = metas.sample.join("_")
+                    meta.flowcell = metas.flowcell.unique().join()
+                    meta.group =  metas.group.unique().join()
+                    meta.assembly = metas.assembly.unique().join()
+                    meta.type = metas.type.unique().join()
+                    [ group, meta, idxstats] }
+              .set { ch_idxstats_tmp }
+      ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter.map { meta, assembly ->
+                                       [ meta.group, assembly ]} 
+                                  .combine(ch_idxstats_tmp, by: 0)
+                                  .map { group, assembly, meta, idxstats -> 
+                                       [ meta, assembly, idxstats ]}
+                                  .set { ch_assembly_and_idxstats }
+    } else {
+      ch_assembly_and_idxstats = ch_chunk_assembly_for_filter
                                 .combine(idxstats, by:0)
+    }
@@ -52,69 +75,85 @@ workflow STEP_03_ASSEMBLY_FILTER {
     ch_merged_selected = MERGE_ASSEMBLY_FILTER.out.merged_selected
     discarded_contigs = MERGE_ASSEMBLY_FILTER.out.merged_discarded
+    ch_merged_selected_all = ch_merged_selected
+                            .map { meta, file -> file }
+                            .collect()
+    QUAST( ch_merged_selected_all, "${filtering_outdir}/03_1_filtered_assembly/" )
+    ch_quast_report = QUAST.out.report
-   // Differentiate sample with and without discarded_contigs 
-   // samples with no discarded_contigs are not going to be processed to process 
-   discarded_contigs_category = discarded_contigs.branch{
-                              without: it[1].isEmpty() 
-                              with: !it[1].isEmpty() 
-                              }
-  samples_without_discarded_contigs = discarded_contigs_category.without.map{ it -> it[0]}
-  samples_with_discarded_contigs = discarded_contigs_category.with.map{ it -> it[0]}
+    // Differentiate sample with and without discarded_contigs 
+    // samples with no discarded_contigs are not going to be processed to process 
+    discarded_contigs_category = discarded_contigs.branch{ 
+                                  without: it[1].isEmpty() 
+                                  with: !it[1].isEmpty() 
+                                  }
-  // make a symblink with the bam and bai from step 02 for samples that have not been affected by the filtering (no contig discarded)
-  result_path_dir = file("${params.outdir}/${filtered_assembly_bam_outdir}/")
-  result_path_dir.mkdirs()
-  samples_without_discarded_contigs.map { 
-        sample -> { file("${result_path_dir}/${sample.id}/").mkdir()
-                    file("${params.outdir}/${unfiltered_assembly_bam_outdir}/${sample.id}/${sample.id}.sort.bam")
-                                .mklink("${result_path_dir}/${sample.id}/${sample.id}.sort.bam", overwrite:true)
-                    file("${params.outdir}/${unfiltered_assembly_bam_outdir}/${sample.id}/${sample.id}.sort.bam.bai")
-                                .mklink("${result_path_dir}/${sample.id}/${sample.id}.sort.bam.bai", overwrite:true)
-                     }
-  }
-  ch_bam_unchanged_by_filtering =  samples_without_discarded_contigs.join(bam)
-  ch_selected_contigs_and_reads = samples_with_discarded_contigs.join(ch_merged_selected).join(reads)
+    if (params.coassembly){
+      discarded_contigs_category.without.map { meta, discarded_empty -> [ meta.group ]} 
+                                        .combine( bam.map { meta, bam, bai ->
+                                                          [ meta.group, meta, bam, bai ]}, by: 0)
+                                        .map{ group, meta, bam, bai -> 
+                                            [ meta, bam, bai ]}
+                                        .set{ ch_bam_unchanged_by_filtering }
+      ch_selected_contigs_and_reads= discarded_contigs_category.with.map {meta, discarded_contigs -> meta.group}
+                                                                    .join( ch_merged_selected.map { meta, contigs -> 
+                                                                                                  [meta.group, meta, contigs]})
+                                                                    .combine( reads.map{ meta, reads ->
+                                                                                       [ meta.group, meta, reads ]}, by: 0)
+                                                                    .map{ group, meta_contigs, contigs, meta_reads, reads -> 
+                                                                        [ meta_reads, contigs, reads ]}
+    } else {
+      ch_bam_unchanged_by_filtering =  discarded_contigs_category.without.map{ it -> it[0]}
+                                                                        .join(bam)
+      ch_selected_contigs_and_reads = discarded_contigs_category.with.map{ it -> it[0]}
+                                                                    .join(ch_merged_selected).join(reads)
+    }
+    // make a symblink with the bam and bai from step 02 for samples that have not been affected by the filtering (no contig discarded)
+    result_path_dir = file("${params.outdir}/${filtered_assembly_bam_outdir}/")
+    result_path_dir.mkdirs()
+    ch_bam_unchanged_by_filtering.map { meta, bam, bai ->
+         { file("${result_path_dir}/${meta.id}/").mkdir()
+           file("${params.outdir}/${unfiltered_assembly_bam_outdir}/${meta.id}/${meta.id}.bam")
+                .mklink("${result_path_dir}/${meta.id}/${meta.id}.bam", overwrite:true)
+           file("${params.outdir}/${unfiltered_assembly_bam_outdir}/${meta.id}/${meta.id}.bam.bai")
+                .mklink("${result_path_dir}/${meta.id}/${meta.id}.bam.bai", overwrite:true)
+      }
+    }
-  if ( params.type.toUpperCase() == "SR" ) {
-    BWA_MEM(ch_selected_contigs_and_reads, filtered_assembly_bam_outdir)
-    ch_bam_post_filtering = BWA_MEM.out.bam
-  }
-  else {
-    MINIMAP2(ch_selected_contigs_and_reads, filtered_assembly_bam_outdir)
-    ch_bam_post_filtering = MINIMAP2.out.bam
-  }
+    if ( params.type.toUpperCase() == "SR" ) {
+      BWA_MEM(ch_selected_contigs_and_reads, filtered_assembly_bam_outdir)
+      ch_bam_post_filtering = BWA_MEM.out.bam
+    }
+    else {
+      MINIMAP2(ch_selected_contigs_and_reads, filtered_assembly_bam_outdir)
+      ch_bam_post_filtering = MINIMAP2.out.bam
+    }
-  ch_all_bam = samples_without_discarded_contigs.join(bam).mix(ch_bam_post_filtering)
+    ch_all_bam = ch_bam_unchanged_by_filtering.mix(ch_bam_post_filtering)
-  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS(ch_all_bam, filtered_assembly_bam_outdir)
+    GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS(ch_all_bam, filtered_assembly_bam_outdir)
-  ch_flagstat =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_flagstat
-  ch_coverage =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_coverage
+    ch_flagstat =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_flagstat
+    ch_coverage =  GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS.out.sam_coverage
-  ch_merged_quast = ch_merged_selected
-                      .map { meta, file -> file }
-                      .collect()
-  QUAST( ch_merged_quast, "${filtering_outdir}/03_1_filtered_assembly/" )
-  ch_quast_report = QUAST.out.report
-  ch_final_bam = ch_bam_post_filtering.mix(ch_bam_unchanged_by_filtering)
-  emit:
-    selected_contigs = ch_merged_selected
-    quast_report = ch_quast_report
-    bam = ch_final_bam
-    sam_coverage = ch_coverage
-    sam_flagstat = ch_flagstat
+    emit:
+      selected_contigs = ch_merged_selected
+      quast_report = ch_quast_report
+      bam = ch_all_bam
+      sam_coverage = ch_coverage
+      sam_flagstat = ch_flagstat
diff --git a/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf b/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf
index 49841efd8fefc08910d4463108fea3820a57293b..505e633e2d4551eba7d70235a4e5dc94616c274c 100644
--- a/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/04_structural_annot.nf
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ workflow STEP_04_STRUCTURAL_ANNOT {
-    ch_software_versions = PRODIGAL.out.v_prodigal.first()
     ch_software_versions = PRODIGAL.out.v_prodigal.first().mix( BARRNAP.out.v_barrnap.first(), 
diff --git a/subworkflows/05_protein_alignment.nf b/subworkflows/05_protein_alignment.nf
index 56258c467d3f05fb596c58ac877384a906aad3d7..b178755fc127e885b34957e46d9b2d030c5b7a5a 100644
--- a/subworkflows/05_protein_alignment.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/05_protein_alignment.nf
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ workflow STEP_05_PROTEIN_ALIGNMENT {
         DIAMOND (
-            diamond,
+            diamond
         ch_diamond_result = DIAMOND.out.m8
diff --git a/subworkflows/06_functionnal_annot.nf b/subworkflows/06_functionnal_annot.nf
index 5b860554d4bf89254818dd7ba51387d6230dc25c..ad4812966c54553690f215f0ee8021dd4875ad10 100644
--- a/subworkflows/06_functionnal_annot.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/06_functionnal_annot.nf
@@ -28,7 +28,22 @@ workflow STEP_06_FUNC_ANNOT {
         ch_global_clstr_table = CD_HIT.out.global_clstr_table
         ch_cdhit_v = CD_HIT.out.v_cdhit
-        QUANTIFICATION ( gff, bam, ch_individual_clstr_table, ch_global_clstr_table)
+        if (params.coassembly){
+            bam.map { meta, bam, bai ->
+                        [ meta.group, meta, bam, bai ]}
+                    .set { ch_bam_tmp }
+            gff.map { meta, gff ->
+                        [ meta.group, gff]} 
+                    .combine( ch_bam_tmp, by: 0)
+                    .map { group, gff, meta, bam, bai -> 
+                        [ meta, gff, bam, bai ]}
+                    .set { ch_gff_and_bam }
+        } else {
+            ch_gff_and_bam = gff.join(bam, remainder: false)
+        }
+        QUANTIFICATION ( ch_gff_and_bam, ch_individual_clstr_table, ch_global_clstr_table)
         ch_quant_table = QUANTIFICATION.out.quantification_table
         ch_quant_report = QUANTIFICATION.out.quant_report
         ch_featurecounts_v = QUANTIFICATION.out.v_featurecounts
diff --git a/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf b/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf
index 99ead6cf80315b3a862db8cb92a50db591d1986d..4f1eb9b4b62bc2e619a41b4f46f6e6e82d0aff96 100644
--- a/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/07_taxonomic_affi.nf
@@ -8,7 +8,20 @@ workflow STEP_07_TAXO_AFFI {
         diamond_result // channel: [ val(meta), path(diamond_file) ]
         sam_coverage // channel: [ val(meta), path(samtools coverage) ]
-        ch_assign_taxo_input = diamond_result.join(sam_coverage, remainder: true)
+        if (params.coassembly){
+            sam_coverage.map { meta, cov ->
+                             [ meta.group, meta, cov ]}
+                        .set { ch_sam_cov_tmp }
+            diamond_result.map { meta, m8 ->
+                               [ meta.group, m8]} 
+                          .combine( ch_sam_cov_tmp, by: 0)
+                          .map { group, m8, meta, cov -> 
+                               [ meta, m8, cov ]}
+                          .set { ch_assign_taxo_input }
+        } else {
+            ch_assign_taxo_input = diamond_result.join(sam_coverage, remainder: true)
+        }
         ASSIGN_TAXONOMY ( taxonomy, ch_assign_taxo_input )
diff --git a/subworkflows/08_binning.nf b/subworkflows/08_binning.nf
index 59b9c7b7b7dbf16051dfb3d0c38c4d4370f24e92..32b9e329eb2aad2c07776c2f47b5977fdb8410e8 100644
--- a/subworkflows/08_binning.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/08_binning.nf
@@ -52,21 +52,21 @@ workflow STEP_08_BINNING {
     if (params.binning_cross_alignment == 'all') {
       // combine assemblies with reads of all samples
       ch_reads_assembly = reads.combine(assembly)
-      .map{ meta_reads, reads, meta_assembly, assembly ->
-        if (meta_reads != meta_assembly){
-          [[id:meta_reads.id+"_"+meta_assembly.id, sample:meta_assembly.sample, flowcell:meta_assembly.flowcell, group:meta_assembly.group, assembly:meta_assembly.assembly, type:meta_assembly.type], assembly, reads]
-        }
-      }
+                          .map{ meta_reads, reads, meta_assembly, assembly ->
+                            if (((meta_reads.id != meta_assembly.id) && !(params.coassembly)) || (params.coassembly && (meta_reads.group != meta_assembly.group))){
+                              [[id:meta_reads.id+"_"+meta_assembly.id, sample:meta_assembly.sample, flowcell:meta_assembly.flowcell, group:meta_assembly.group, assembly:meta_assembly.assembly, type:meta_assembly.type], assembly, reads]
+                            }
+                          }
     } else if (params.binning_cross_alignment == 'group'){
       // combine assemblies with reads of samples from same group
       ch_assembly_group = assembly.map{ meta, assembly -> [ meta.group, meta, assembly ] }
       ch_reads_assembly = reads.map{ meta, reads -> [ meta.group, meta, reads ] }
-      .combine(ch_assembly_group, by: 0)
-      .map{ group, meta_reads, reads, meta_assembly, assembly ->
-        if (meta_reads != meta_assembly){
-          [[id:meta_reads.id+"_"+meta_assembly.id, sample:meta_assembly.sample, flowcell:meta_assembly.flowcell, group:meta_assembly.group, assembly:meta_assembly.assembly, type:meta_assembly.type], assembly, reads]
-        }
-      }
+                          .combine(ch_assembly_group, by: 0)
+                          .map{ group, meta_reads, reads, meta_assembly, assembly ->
+                            if (meta_reads != meta_assembly){
+                              [[id:meta_reads.id+"_"+meta_assembly.id, sample:meta_assembly.sample, flowcell:meta_assembly.flowcell, group:meta_assembly.group, assembly:meta_assembly.assembly, type:meta_assembly.type], assembly, reads]
+                            }
+                          }
     // cross alignment
     if (params.type == 'SR') {
@@ -78,21 +78,51 @@ workflow STEP_08_BINNING {
     // formatting channel  
     ch_bam = ch_bam_cross_alignment.mix(bam)
-    .map { meta, bam, bai -> [ meta.sample, meta, bam, bai ]  }
-    .groupTuple(by: [0])
-    .map { sample,metas, bam, bai ->
-      [ metas.min { it.id.size() }, bam, bai ]
-    } 
+            .map { meta, bam, bai -> 
+                  if (params.coassembly){[ meta.group, meta, bam, bai ]} 
+                  else  {[ meta.sample, meta, bam, bai ]}}
+            .groupTuple(by: [0])
+            .map { sample,metas, bam, bai ->
+              [ metas.min { it.id.size() }, bam, bai ]
+            } 
   } else {
       ch_bam = bam
+  if (params.coassembly){
+    if (params.binning_cross_alignment == 'all') {
+      ch_bam.map { meta, bam, bai -> [ meta.group, bam, bai ]  }
+            .set { ch_bam_tmp }
+    } else {
+      ch_bam.map { meta, bam, bai -> [ meta.group, meta, bam, bai ]  }
+            .groupTuple(by: [0])
+            .map { group, metas, bam, bai ->
+                [ group, bam, bai ]} 
+            .set { ch_bam_tmp }
+    }
+    assembly.map { meta, assembly ->
+                  [ meta.group, meta, assembly ]} 
+            .combine( ch_bam_tmp, by: 0)
+            .map { group, meta, assembly, bam, bai -> 
+                  [ meta, assembly, bam, bai]}
+            .tap { ch_assembly_bam }
+            .map { meta, assembly, bam, bai ->
+                  [ meta, assembly ]}
+            .tap { ch_assembly }
+    ch_assembly_bam.map{  meta, assembly, bam, bai ->
+                       [ meta, bam, bai ]}
+                   .set{ ch_bam}
+  } else {
+    ch_assembly_bam = assembly.join(ch_bam)
+    ch_assembly = assembly
+  }
   /// BINNING
   ch_depth = GENERATE_DEPTH_FILES(ch_bam)
-  ch_assembly_depth = assembly.join(ch_depth)
+  ch_assembly_depth = ch_assembly.join(ch_depth)
   ch_metabat_bins = METABAT2.out.bins.filter{ t -> t[1].list().size()}
@@ -102,8 +132,6 @@ workflow STEP_08_BINNING {
   ch_maxbin_bins = MAXBIN2.out.bins.filter{ t -> t[1].list().size()}
   ch_maxbin_v = MAXBIN2.out.v_maxbin
-  ch_assembly_bam = assembly.join(ch_bam)
   ch_concoct_bins = CONCOCT.out.bins.filter{ t -> t[1].list().size()}
   ch_concoct_v = CONCOCT.out.v_concoct
@@ -120,7 +148,8 @@ workflow STEP_08_BINNING {
       (it[2] != null && it[3] != null)
       single: true
+  //bins set  with bins form at least 2 binners 
   ch_bins_multiple = ch_bins_set.multiple.map{ meta, bins1, bins2, bins3 -> 
     if ( bins1 == null ) {
       return [meta, bins2, bins3, bins1]
@@ -131,6 +160,7 @@ workflow STEP_08_BINNING {
+  //bins set  with bins form only 1 binner
   ch_bins_single = ch_bins_set.single.map{ meta, bins1, bins2, bins3 -> 
     if ( bins1 != null ) {
       return [meta, bins1]
@@ -160,7 +190,7 @@ workflow STEP_08_BINNING {
                                             .map { meta, file -> file}
-  ch_bins_assembly = METAWRAP_REFINMENT.out.bins.join(assembly)
+  ch_bins_assembly = METAWRAP_REFINMENT.out.bins.join(ch_assembly)