report_mig_interannual - barchart not generated for some timelaps .... function reformating
The function has been reformated which leads to several breaks in the code, along with that some new developments.
barchart not generated for timelaps = "2 weeks" or "quinzaine". => fixed -
check that several graphs can be produced by, is this used at all ?
grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout =
grid::grid.layout(length(the_choice), 1, just = "center")))
fix problem with code in barchart (graphs not right) -
change legend for xlab, currently a factor with the name of the fortnight or name of the day, need to diminish the legend for output -
fix pointrange graph -
fix density graph -
add a choice for year in the plot function -
use things like name = gettext("month", domain = "R-stacomiR") to get the french translation
Edited by cedricbriandgithub