- Mar 11, 2022
Bastien-mva authored
Former-commit-id: ef93f456d6e14f061325063d7eee8f0ed9747da8
- Mar 04, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
added back the ipynb README.ipynb and the example. I noticed what is wrong: the description fails to render. Going to use twine to check the validity. Former-commit-id: 6a35cda9f714fa987f8eea5a01e308801d0235dc
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 746e2a55af1c0457597488d002945f0968eb4743
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 16f4fd7830f7fd429534a31e27db7c8bef510038
Bastien Batardière authored
removed the files that can't be uploaded in pypi (only examples). Will need to put it back after. Saved on my PC Former-commit-id: 676a37a8c6c268bd7eabe26daf2213a1edde60a2
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 8c287144b92cbc67916d2f1c0be186ce336bb8a1
- Feb 28, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
did some minor changes. I am trying to release it to Pypi. I removed the test_notebooks dir. It is now on my PC. Former-commit-id: ddbb9e53447f838af9e15d230359400f63b8af4f
- Feb 22, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
Implemented a PLN VAE that infers only the the mean and variance of the latent layer in the Test.ipynb. It seems to work since I retrieve the maximum of the ELBO. However, it takes many forward pass to retrieve it. Need to find a good optimizer. One possible alternative of this would be to approximate with a non-diagonal gaussian. it is quite easy to implement. I also implemented a complete VAE where we don't suppose a PLN structure. It takes even much more time. I don't have found yet a good optimizer for this. I am going to launch many optimizers and compare them. Former-commit-id: 3d1e28fcd6eeb18a9452ce075a82528e82d5c2a0
- Feb 15, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: e82a63162e7a3e0979cd15ec77b893deb68d17e4
Bastien-mva authored
I linked the images of the numerical complexity that shows the time convergence of fastPLN and fastPLNPCA w.r.t p and w.r.t n. I also added the compelixty for each algorithm (i.e. linear for both IMPS_PLN and fastPLNPCA, quadratic for fastPLN). Former-commit-id: bc1bf3d97b1ee0337c568153d28390f04dd7387c
- Feb 14, 2022
Bastien-mva authored
Former-commit-id: 1cf70a85c00a2fa9fbb876d88251e1a20162bed5
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 4066d4f19db86aaadd21e4791366e2edb66ae044
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: b8617da8aeeb164a83604501a3b6d423f7975efa
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 7c228b34111380c964f1110fe908f7731bdde04a
Bastien Batardière authored
added the README.ipynb that contains the formulas, and the README.md. The md will display formulas with dollars $, while the ipynb will render the formulas in math mode. However, we will see only the md first. Former-commit-id: 1132eb17555fd4a5139b73cda57170b2acb41540
Bastien-mva authored
delete since useless. I will only display the ipynb that shows math in $$ $$ ... Former-commit-id: d5201cefd9ffa1ceb11e7241bc8008ec47ea7834
Bastien-mva authored
Former-commit-id: a37bf0da43f78c087d149142d0ad5a1e62f2a522
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: f9b6a7caf01ac52b6e5ee07cca1f209939cb34ad
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 5c174e2138452877e81fabbf0362e242600bf22d
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: a25c7acb2ccb9388305b1b20ed4f5b829ac150f7
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 414f799b7f0e29c0691df7528067f9927f2f0960
https://github.com/PLN-team/PLNpyBastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 6e8fb82034579e9e10dd8477f4decf67124e91b6
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 26bec74a6bd9baba6b6a4bcfb3f2326226b5b920
Bastien-mva authored
Tried to render the math in a jupyter notebook Former-commit-id: a75078becd1a98a702099cc77afb3372f4b671bf
Bastien Batardière authored
Changed the README.md so that it can displays the math (previously it was not showing the things in math mode) Former-commit-id: 9630b88942b2d22fa2b6ae0b38fd948c74e78a49
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 52b3108a7ca63be821ddcbc09cee952558506cc3
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 87b00e922e8dc4f7b91590b28058290729de89f8
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 9d59536dc9bcf21c4eb9c6b011d53677fca86e4c
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 544b9bf9660ba05d15946e742e3a2be890a5ffc1
- Jan 27, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
Fixed an error that occured when we wanted to take a GPU. Now we can use a gpu for every algorithm. I noticed a bug for IMS_PLN. The log likelihood is not the same when we take some batch size or others. We get the same result for batch sizes of 10 or 40, bur different when batch_size is 30 or 41 for example. I think this is due to the calculation of the likelihood when batches have different size (200 is not divisible by 30 or 41 but divisible by 10 and 40) Former-commit-id: 1e7fda3de3718b9a7bba88b9cee69001237bb7c9
- Jan 21, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
Finished to review the code for the three .py files. Also run each file in a package that format your code to the right convention. Former-commit-id: f58d49f0d5d4a108c402692099df6b10e6d09669
Bastien Batardière authored
Added examples of code for each model (fastPLN, fastPLNPCA, IMPS_PLN). I added screenshots of the supposed results. I also added some formulas for the gradient in the mathematic description. Former-commit-id: 61cea783be3f670cfc2fb726f0fa2e1cbade2785
- Jan 17, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
Deleted some files that won't be needed in the package. I kept them in local if needed, but they're in git anyway. I added the constants on the ELBO on the PLN model to get a stop criteria. I also modified the stop criterion of the IMPS_model : We add 1 to the criterion if the log likelihood had not be improved for nb_trigger epoch. We stop when the criterion reahces the parameter nb_plateau. I also did some minor modifications in the utils. Former-commit-id: 1f224df8314fa4a7c9818a21874afac17cfefbed
Bastien Batardière authored
added tests datasets as examples for the package. Also updated models.py so that it takes pd.DataFrame as inputs instead of torch.tensor (in practice we extract data with pandas). Former-commit-id: 410f9e4e91fd236845119e75b60abdb745b3f030
- Jan 14, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
Former-commit-id: 290b6b4cd3887080f7e45cd09b85f7dc23db3f5c
- Jan 04, 2022
Bastien Batardière authored
changed the name SAGA to AdaSAGA vs AdaSVRG. I will use this file to compare both. I began the implementation of AdaSVRg but not finished. The parameter theta for adaptive termination is bad with 0.5 as said in the paper SVRG meets Adagrad. Given the examples, I found either 0.1 or even 0.001. I also modified the sample_PLN funcion in the utils.py file to take only torch.tensors and not numpy arrays. All the others modifications are useless and minors. Former-commit-id: 382a20ed3d75fc5cfdabad9db1ed034e87263b6c
- Dec 21, 2021
Bastien Batardière authored
Tried to see what was going wrong in the SAGARAD algorithm. Modified a little bug in the SAG algorithm. Former-commit-id: 0b76edbd2891d728b0a1e13c1a4d4be93b6a80ce
- Dec 17, 2021
Bastien Batardière authored
Tried to figure out why we have convergence of the parameters in some cases and not in others cases for the PLNPCA variational and ZIPLN. I measured the SNR, but it is not really informative. I put the PLNPCA variational estimator in the file models.py. It only misses the ZIPLN file. I am currently trying to get the Graphical lasso estimator for the variational PLN. I also deleted some useless files. Former-commit-id: cc4f9546add39a5790b9583473a514fceef8783a
- Dec 03, 2021
Bastien Batardière authored
Fixed the issues with the GPU. Now you can work with the GPU for fastPLN and IMPS PLN. It took me about 1h for n= 2000, p =1000 for fastPLN. Former-commit-id: 86c8b99533bb0ae91704b39d3dacb778622374b6
Bastien Batardière authored
modified the IMPS name in fastPLNmodels. I am also pushing to get it on my labtop and see a more accurate error, cuda is not telling me the error with gpu ... Former-commit-id: a00164bbfc8dfb0e0ac96dc29421669a585c84fc