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  1. Mar 11, 2022
  2. Mar 04, 2022
  3. Feb 28, 2022
  4. Feb 22, 2022
    • Bastien Batardière's avatar
      Implemented a PLN VAE that infers only the the mean and variance of the latent... · 18d5c0fc
      Bastien Batardière authored
      Implemented a PLN VAE that infers only the the mean and variance of the latent layer in the Test.ipynb. It seems to work since I retrieve the maximum of the ELBO. However, it takes many forward pass to retrieve it. Need to find a good optimizer.  One possible alternative of this would be to approximate with a non-diagonal gaussian. it is quite easy to implement. I also implemented a complete VAE where we don't suppose a PLN structure. It takes even much more time. I don't have found yet a good optimizer for this. I am going to launch many optimizers and compare them.
      Former-commit-id: 3d1e28fcd6eeb18a9452ce075a82528e82d5c2a0
  5. Feb 15, 2022
  6. Feb 14, 2022
  7. Jan 27, 2022
    • Bastien Batardière's avatar
      Fixed an error that occured when we wanted to take a GPU. Now we can use a gpu... · 2c12c57b
      Bastien Batardière authored
      Fixed an error that occured when we wanted to take a GPU. Now we can use a gpu for every algorithm. I noticed a bug for IMS_PLN. The log likelihood is not the same when we take some batch size or others. We get the same result for batch sizes of 10 or 40, bur different when batch_size is 30 or 41 for example. I think this is due to the calculation of the likelihood  when batches have different size (200 is not divisible by 30 or 41 but divisible by 10 and 40)
      Former-commit-id: 1e7fda3de3718b9a7bba88b9cee69001237bb7c9
  8. Jan 21, 2022
  9. Jan 17, 2022
    • Bastien Batardière's avatar
      Deleted some files that won't be needed in the package. I kept them in local... · ed0b565d
      Bastien Batardière authored
      Deleted some files that won't be needed in the package. I kept them in local if needed, but they're in git anyway. I added the constants on the ELBO on the PLN model to get a stop criteria.
      I also modified the stop criterion of the IMPS_model : We add 1 to the criterion if the log likelihood had not be improved for nb_trigger epoch. We stop when the criterion reahces the parameter nb_plateau.
      I also did some minor modifications in the utils.
      Former-commit-id: 1f224df8314fa4a7c9818a21874afac17cfefbed
    • Bastien Batardière's avatar
      added tests datasets as examples for the package. Also updated so... · dc3e9447
      Bastien Batardière authored
      added tests datasets as examples for the package. Also updated so that it takes pd.DataFrame as inputs instead of torch.tensor (in practice we extract data with pandas).
      Former-commit-id: 410f9e4e91fd236845119e75b60abdb745b3f030
  10. Jan 14, 2022
  11. Jan 04, 2022
    • Bastien Batardière's avatar
      changed the name SAGA to AdaSAGA vs AdaSVRG. I will use this file to compare... · 4b19e29c
      Bastien Batardière authored
      changed the name SAGA to AdaSAGA vs AdaSVRG. I will use this file to compare both. I began the implementation of AdaSVRg but not finished. The parameter theta for adaptive termination is bad with 0.5 as said in the paper SVRG meets Adagrad. Given the examples, I found either 0.1 or even 0.001.
      I also modified the sample_PLN funcion in the file to take only torch.tensors and not numpy arrays. All the others modifications are useless and minors.
      Former-commit-id: 382a20ed3d75fc5cfdabad9db1ed034e87263b6c
  12. Dec 21, 2021
  13. Dec 17, 2021
    • Bastien Batardière's avatar
      Tried to figure out why we have convergence of the parameters in some cases... · d5d75bbd
      Bastien Batardière authored
      Tried to figure out why we have convergence of the parameters in some cases and not in others cases for the PLNPCA variational and ZIPLN. I measured the SNR, but it is not really informative. I put the PLNPCA variational estimator in the file It only misses the ZIPLN file. I am currently trying to get the Graphical lasso estimator for the variational PLN. I also deleted some useless files.
      Former-commit-id: cc4f9546add39a5790b9583473a514fceef8783a
  14. Dec 03, 2021