Consider looking at the Big Book of R which is a on-line catalogue of books (most free and on-line) on R classified by topics, with a short description.
A similar catalogue, much less exhaustive but more specific to our (or perhaps my) context and interests follows.
C Ismay & A Y Kim (2021). Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse. On line book.
J Lowndes & A Horst (2021). R for Excel Users. On line book.
- Introduction to R, RStudio, RMarkdown, GitHub, Visualisation with
and data manipulation withtidyr
- Introduction to R, RStudio, RMarkdown, GitHub, Visualisation with
Projet utilitR. Tutoriels de l'Insee.
- Introduction à R, importation et traitement de données.
Serge-Étienne Parent (2020). Analyse et modélisation d’agroécosystèmes. Livre en ligne.
- Peut servir comme intro à R, importation et traitement basique de données (Ch. 2-3), visualisation (Ch. 4) et intro à la modélisation LM et GLM et Biostatistiques (Ch. 6).
Data analysis and modelling
The Epidemiologist R Handbook. Collaborative On line book oriented to epidemiologists.
- Introduction to R, import and data management, etc. A chapter (19) devoted to (Generalised) Linear Models.
Data Skills for Reproducible Science (2021). On line book. A chapter (9) devoted to Generalised Linear Models.
Michael Franke (2021). An Introduction to Data Analysis. On line book.
Serge-Étienne Parent (2020). Analyse et modélisation d’agroécosystèmes. Livre en ligne.
Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos (2021). Forecasting: Principles and Practice. On line book.
Virgilio Gómez-Rubio (2021). Bayesian inference with INLA. On line book.
Management of Geographical and Spatial data
Robin Lovelace (2021). Geocomputation with R. On line book.
Rspatial (2021). Spatial Data Science with R. On line book.
Edzer Pebesma, Roger Bivand (2021). Spatial Data Science with applications in R. On line book.
Package development
- Hadley Wickham (2021). R Packages. Livre en ligne.