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# spreadrate

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The goal of spreadrate is to estimate the __local velocity of
propagation__ of an epidemic event, given dates and locations of
observed cases. 

The method estimates the surface of __first date of invasion__ by
interpolation of the earliest observations in a neighbourhood and
derives the __local spread rate__ as the inverse slope of the surface.

Furthermore, it helps to quantify the estimation uncertainty by a
Monte Carlo approach. Visualise and simulate the spatio-temporal
progress of epidemics.

## Installation

To install the latest version of spreadrate, copy and paste the 
following in a R session.

``` r
if (!require("remotes")) {
install.packages("INLA", repos="")
remotes::install_gitlab("umr-astre/spreadrate", host = "")

## Example

Suppose that we have recorded the GPS coordinates and observation
dates for all the observed cases of some emerging disease in mainland
France into a table like this one.

```{r setup-fake-data, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE}

fr_sf <- st_as_sf(maps::map("france", plot = FALSE)) %>%
locs <- st_sample(fr_sf, 50)

## Assume dates progress at a constant rate from the north-east
dist_NE <- st_distance(
  locs, st_sfc(st_point(st_bbox(fr_sf)[c("xmax", "ymax")]), crs = 2154)
) %>% as.numeric

velocity <- 1e4  # m/day

cases_sf <- st_sf(locs, date = as.Date("2019-01-01") + dist_NE / velocity) %>% 


```{r show-table, echo = FALSE}

  cases <- bind_cols(
    st_drop_geometry(cases_sf) %>% as_tibble(),
    cases_sf %>%
      st_transform(4326) %>%
      st_coordinates() %>%
      data.frame() %>% 
      setNames(c("Lon", "Lat"))


Here is a visual representation of these observed cases.

Facundo Muñoz's avatar
Facundo Muñoz committed
```{r map-obs, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE}
tm_shape(fr_sf) +
  ## Country limits
  tm_polygons(col = "gray95") +
  ## Observed cases
    cases_sf %>% 
        day_num = as.numeric(date - min(date))
  ) +
    title = "Date",
    col = "day_num",
    size = .2,
    palette = "viridis",
    style = "cont",
    breaks = c(0, as.numeric(diff(range(cases_sf$date)))),
    labels = paste(range(cases_sf$date))
  ) +
    position = c("left", "bottom"),
    bg.color = TRUE
  ) +
  tm_compass(position = c("left", "top")) +
  tm_scale_bar(position = c("right", "bottom"), size = .8)


First let `spreadrate` interpret the observational data appropriately
with the function `sr_obs()`. You need to specify the name of the 
temporal variable. _Lon_ and _Lat_ are recognised automatically.

```{r sr-obs}
cases_sr <- sr_obs(cases, "date")

However, spread-rate calculations require projected (rather than
geographic) coordinates. An appropriate projection for mainland France
is EPSG:2154. See

```{r transform-coordinates}
cases_sr <- st_transform(cases_sr, crs = 2154)

Everything is now set to perform a default estimation of spread-rate.

```{r warning = FALSE, message = FALSE}
sr_est <- sr(cases_sr)

Done! Here is a quick plot of the estimated local spread-rate.
The estimated velocity is practically constant, between 9 and 11 km /

```{r quick-plot}
plot(sr_est, col = hcl.colors(12))

This is consistent with the value of `r velocity` m/day used for
simulating the data.

We can also retrieve the estimated surface of first-date of invasion:

plot(attr(sr_est, "fdoi"), col = hcl.colors(12))
Facundo Muñoz's avatar
Facundo Muñoz committed

## References

__Tisseuil, Clément, Aiko Gryspeirt, Renaud Lancelot, Maryline Pioz,
Andrew Liebhold, and Marius Gilbert (2016)__. Evaluating Methods to Quantify
Spatial Variation in the Velocity of Biological Invasions. _Ecography_
39, no. 5: 409–418.